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Fancy meeting you here! 

About Joe
“Joe was so easy to work with and added so much!” I said it.  (But others have as well!)

I’ve been around the block and up and down the Cleveland television and radio dial for over 30 years.  

I can currently be seen on WKYC Channel 3 as a host and reporter and heard weekdays afternoons from 3 to 7pm on WFHM 95.5 The FISH. I love putting an entertaining, positive spin on the latest local events and topics while connecting with my audience.

Throughout my broadcasting career, I’ve won numerous awards and accolades including my induction into the Cleveland Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame.  My biggest achievement is being the husband to my beautiful wife Gina for over 28 years and the father of our four sons.

(I know they’re going to read this.)

Besides making TV and radio waves, I’m proud of making waves through my community involvement in many local charities and organizations. I know how make a creative difference and love motivating others to do the same.

Get Joe

How can I  help You?

I can take your production, your event or your business to next level!   Just click on a button and let's get busy! 

Game Host

Listen or watch my videos, podcasts or audio clips here.

Check out my latest! !!!

Do you wanna take a trip down my "Broadcasting Memory Lane?   Click here.

Drew & joe.jpg
Peabody's Down Under
A chocolate DIP!
KAZY w_ Me Jamming
Joe Stuff
Joe Blog
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